ROI & Savings Calculations

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Cost Savings Calculators

Lighting costs money.

When considering options on whether to upgrade to Energy Efficient Lighting, or to do nothing at all, there are a few things to consider:

  1. How much are your energy costs?
  2. How often are you replacing your lights?
  3. How much are you paying just to MAINTAIN your lights?

How much should you pay for a new, energy efficient light source?

Below is a sample 10 Year Total Cost of Ownership (Lifecycle Cost) comparison between LED Lighting and traditional HID sources, taking into account comparable “visual acuity” as well as energy AND re-lamping costs.

Watts Mean
CRI Annual
10 Year
LED 40 4200 90+ $ 14.72 0 $ –
$ 147.17
Metal Halide 70 4235 65 $ 28.21 3.5 $245.00 $350.00
$ 877.07
HPS 70 3465 21 $ 28.21 2.5 $150.00 $250.00
$ 682.07
LED 70 7350 90+ $ 25.75 0 $ –
$ 257.54
Metal Halide 100 6050 65 $ 40.30 3.5 $245.00 $350.00
$ 997.96
HPS 150 7425 21 $ 60.44 2.5 $150.00 $250.00
LED 100 10500 90+ $ 36.79 0 $ –
$ 367.92
Metal Halide 200 12100 65 $ 80.59 3.5 $245.00 $350.00
HPS 200 9900 21 $ 80.59 2.5 $150.00 $250.00
LED 150 15750 90+ $ 55.19 0 $ –
$ 551.88
Metal Halide 250 15125 65 $100.74 5 $350.00 $500.00
HPS 300 14850 21 $120.89 3 $180.00 $300.00
$ 1,688.88
LED 200 21000 90+ $ 73.58 0 $ –
$ 735.84
Metal Halide 360 21780 65 $145.07 5 $350.00 $500.00
HPS 400 19800 21 $ 161.18 3 $180.00 $300.00
LED 300 31500 90+ $ 110.38 0 $ –
$ 1,103.76
Metal Halide 500 30250 65 $201.48 5 $350.00 $750.00
$ 3,114.80
HPS 500 24750 21 $201.48 3 $180.00 $300.00
LED 400 42000 90+ $ 147.17 0 $ –
$ 1,471.68
Metal Halide 750 45375 65 $302.22 5 $350.00 $750.00
HPS 750 37125 21 $302.22 3 $180.00 $450.00
*** Assumptions: $0.12/kwH Energy Cost, 8hrs/day per Start, $100/hr Labor Cost

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